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Communique of the Round Table “Prospects of International Cooperation in the Field of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle”
(Moscow, June 8, 2011)
Participants of the Round Table “Prospects of International Cooperation in the Field of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle” discussed the burning issues of international cooperation and guarantees of nuclear fuel (NF) supply for operating Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) and those that are under construction and are planned to be built. The participants also discussed problems of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management taking into account lessons learnt from Fukushima accident.
In course of discussions the participants reached mutual understanding on the central issues of the long-term nuclear industry development.
The participants believe that nuclear generation is the most perspective types of ecologically pure energy. That is why Fukushima events will not provide sufficient grounds for general curtailing of nuclear industry. They also believe that World fleet of reactors will continue to grow in the long run though it is clear that the rate of this growth will be corrected somehow.
Recognizing the fact that the growth of the World reactor fleet makes the issue of guaranteed fuel supply more acute the participants of the Round Table made the following conclusion: the international cooperation in the nuclear field, where the World market players intend to unite efforts, may contribute to the solution of the issue of guaranteed NF supply, thus increasing the safety of NPP operation.
Still another important factor of improving both the NPP safety and economic attractiveness of nuclear generation, according to the opinion of participants is the R&D in the field of nuclear fuel fabrication aimed at nuclear fuel reliability and safety rise.
In the wake of Fukushima tragedy some stereotypes were revised and discussions of SNF management issues were intensified. The participants discussed TYVEL Fuel company initiatives regarding fuel supply together with back end services. They agreed that such an approach deserves attention and future consideration as it may be a possible solution of nuclear sites’ safety issues and improvement of non-proliferation modes.
Adopted by the majority of votes
June 8, 2011