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Welcome speech of Leonid Bolshov, the President of International Forum ATOMEXPO 2012, Director of IBRAE RAN
Dear delegates, guests and organizers of the International Forum ATOMEXPO 2012,
Holding such an ambitious Forum is a great endeavor not only for Russia but also for the countries exploring or intending to explore impressive capability of peaceful atom.
Advanced nuclear technologies have become one of the main trends of scientific progress underlying the innovative economics.
Being held a year after Fukushima accident ATOMEXPO 2012 will be focusing on new safety demands for the nuclear energy facilities, which is especially important for the countries just starting to develop nuclear energy, as well as for preparedness to face these demands in the countries which are already on the way.
I am sure, both the Forum intensive business program and extended exhibition, demonstrating the most actual development trends of the world nuclear branch, will become a perfect ground for successful interaction among top executives, specialists and guests of the Forum.
High professional level of the Forum participants and current agenda, including speeches of world high officials, open discussions, round table negotiations will by all means enhance the international cooperation in nuclear energy area.
Once again, I welcome all ATOMEXPO 2012 participants and wish you all fruitful work, mutually beneficial projects, and do enjoy your staying in Moscow.
Leonid Bolshov,
President of ATOMEXPO 2012 International Forum Director of IBRAE RAN