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New international contracts and agreements in the framework of ATOMEXPO 2013
- Contract with Hladice Veje for equipment supply for coolers at the Belorussian NPP
- Memorandum of Understanding between the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, the Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission of France and the US Atomic Energy Commission
- Cooperation Agreement in the sphere of atomic energy use for peaceful purposes between the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom and the Atomic Energy Agency of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
- Contract for JOI and EIA elaboration for the Ruppur NPP site (Bangladesh) between the Atomic Energy Commission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the JSC 'NIAEP, management company JSC Atomstroyexport
- Material Stock Account Agreement between the JSC Techsnabexport and the JSC NAC Kazatomprom
- Nuclear Fuel Zero Refusal Agreement for NPPs of Russian design between the TVEL Fuel Company, the Ukrainian ENERGOATOM National Atomic Energy Company, the Bulgarian Kozloduy NPP and the Czech CEZ Energy Company