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Address of the Chairman of WANO Board Jacques Regaldo to the participants of ATOMEXPO 2013 International Industry Forum
Dear ladies and gentlemen, guests, participants and organizers of the ATMOEXPO 2013 International Industry Forum!
Mastering nuclear energy was the greatest achievement of science and technology of XX century.
The Society is moving at an increasing rate along the path of technological development, demand for generation of large quantities of energy is ever increasing.
The development of nuclear industry requires continuous safety improvement discussions about the day to day operational processes and the definition of new managerial strategies. International cooperation allows more stable basis for the implementation of long term plans and programmes of development of the nuclear power industry.
ATMOEXPO 2013 International Industry Forum is not merely a major event; it is also a confirmation of our commitment to strengthen mutually beneficial international cooperation in the nuclear power industry for the permanent improvement of nuclear safety.
WANO, as the representative of all the nuclear operators worldwide supports its members throughout the full operational cycle, from the development of their new projects, operation itself, the last unloading of fuel and finally the fuel storage and reprocessing stages. This is done through increase exchanges with suppliers and vendors in order to make sure that operators not only operate their units safely, but that they also operate safe units.
WANO untiringly promote the periodical safety re-assessment of nuclear plants worldwide through mutual support and exchange of information by taking into account the operating experience and lessons learned from the Fukushima accident, and also from nuclear operators’ best practices worldwide.
I wish all the participants of this event productive work, new projects, constructive interaction and unforgettable impressions of their visit to the cultural capital of Russia – Saint Petersburg.
Jacques Regaldo,
Chairman of the WANO Board,