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Information for participants at the Congress"ATOMEXPO 2013"
A registered delegate can make a presentation on one of the events of the Congress conditionally to confirmation by the Organizing Committee of the Congress.
Time and topic of presentation is to be confirmed by the Organizing Committee. The topic must be consistent with the topic of the event.
Collection of abstract will be issued prior to the beginning of the Congress based on the texts received from the speakers.
The abstracts are submitted electronically no later than April 20 2013 at atomexpo@atomexpo.com . Official permit of open publication must be submitted together with the text of the abstract.
The abstract are published in two languages: Russian and English. Requirements to the texts:
1. the texts are to be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format;
2. font 12 Times New Roman, single spacing;
3. volume – up to 5 pages including tables, figures and list of references;
4. margins: 2 cm on the top, left and bottom, 1.5 cm on the right;
5. heading of the abstract includes presentation title, names of authors and organization;
6. figures (including equations, tables, graphs, diagrams) must be sequentially numbered in the order of appearance and provided with figure legends.