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Kirill Krivosheev, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs of JSC "SNIIP":
Participation in the International Industry Forum "Atomexpo-2013" is, first of all, exchange of knowledge, experience, alignment of new professional contacts, sales of products of JSC "SNIIP". The event will provide the possibility of comprehensive discussion of all the topical issues of development of nuclear power.
Higher power consumption is the need for development of the humankind which is related to a number of objective factors: growth of population of the planet; wish to live in comfort, consume quality goods and clean water, use ecologically clean items and materials; increase of power intensity of production of complicated items and production of minerals including the fossil fuels which is produced from more deeper layers and in more complicated areas each year.
It is known that thermal power takes the main part in provision of power in developed countries and in Russia. The share of nuclear power in the overall production of electric energy in various countries amounts from 10 to 80%. In Russia it is not higher than 20%.
The development of nuclear power in our country is considered as a tool to provide power security of all the territory. The Russian Federation needs constant commissioning of new power units, including the nuclear ones, as the growth of electricity consumption in the country overpasses forecasts from the "Energy strategy of Russia till 2030". The main directions of development of nuclear power sector in Russia are defined in the "Strategy of development of nuclear power in Russia in the first half of the 21st century", the Federal Target Program "Development of nuclear energy industrial complex of Russia for 2007-2010 and for the perspective till 2015". At the time being construction of several nuclear power units is under way in Russia. Construction of new nuclear power plants is considered. The prospects of development of nuclear power sector in Russia are more than beneficial.
The disaster on Fukushima-1 Nuclear Power Plant required paying more attention to the issues of higher safety of NPP, but development of nuclear power sector will stay on. Although it is known that a number of countries voiced their refusal to use nuclear power which can result in lower volume of investments in this field. In this case the companies which operated on the market of nuclear power will start expanding their operations in other fields of industry related to the use of nuclear technologies, including the energy nuclear technologies. There is no doubt that in this case their potential will grow.