Main Media Center,
May 14-16, 2018
14-16 MAY, 2018
14th of May | |||||
Hall "Yellow" 100 per. | Hall "Green" 100 per. | Hall "Blue" 100 per. | Hall "Orange" 200 per. | Hall "Gray" 200 per. | |
10.00-12.00 |
Round Table: Implementing major nuclear projects ‘on time!’, ‘within the budget!’ and ‘safely, reliably, and conveniently!’ – these are the goals that form the vision of peaceful nuclear development for the coming decades. The effective risk-oriented internal control systems of key players in the global nuclear energy must ensure reasonable confidence in achieving these goals in the face of rapidly changing economic conditions, expanding customer requirements and regulations of countries using nuclear power, the rapid development of digital technologies, and the growing demands of stakeholders, including for drastic improvements in the environmental compatibility of nuclear power. Key discussion topics: An effective internal control system – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Barriers to and prospects for improving the effective internal control system. Identifying the utility and effectiveness criteria of internal control and internal audit for customers. Building a partnership between the customer and the internal auditor that shares responsibility for risks: what is the strategy for developing internal control and audits? How to take into account the modern requirements of customers: new tools to improve the effectiveness of internal control and internal auditing. |
Round Table: «NPP Operation» One of the strategic goals for any operator is to efficiently supply the electricity generated at nuclear power plants, with the top priority being guaranteed safety. A plant’s operational safety is inextricably linked to the plant’s personnel training, maintenance and repairs, upgrades and lifetime extension. International cooperation and global partnerships to ensure a plant’s safe operation and provide a plant with effective support and services are vital for the effective development of the nuclear power industry. Nowadays, with the sweeping development of new technologies and the digitalization of all areas of life, new challenges are emerging, and safety, environmental and cost efficiency standards are being enhanced for the operation of plants. |
TRACK: PEOPLE OF NUCLEAR INDUSTRY Panel Discussion: «Changes in HR Management in the Era of Digitalization» The digitalization of the economy and business creates new challenges for HR management. The needs of businesses and personnel for HR functions are rapidly changing. Today, personnel analysis relies on Big Data. The search for candidates is conducted electronically. More and more recruiting decisions are made by robots. Classroom education has become optional and is just a small part of the development plan. Businesses strive to communicate with their employees 24/7 and develop seamless HR processes. Main subjects:
Round Table «Green» investments: Creating Opportunities and Expanding Horizons» Innovations and technological progress have significantly altered the world in the 21st century. The use of the latest technologies is the core driver of competitiveness in the energy sector. In an effort to ensure sustainable development, industry leaders have to understand and meet challenges in a timely manner. The need to develop unconventional financial solutions for capital-intensive projects is one of the key issues that must be resolved today. If they want to further develop, companies working in the “green” energy sector must find modern approaches to fix their immediate problems: raising new investments by searching for unconventional approaches to finance structuring that minimize the recourse on the company’s financial statements and developing project financing instruments in major infrastructure projects whose total amount could reach a billion dollars.
Round Table: «Globalization as a Key Success Factor: Building NPPs in a Partnership Arrangement» Today, dozens of NPP projects are being implemented in various countries. As nuclear power plants or other complex engineering facilities are built, a new partnership arrangement has been increasingly used – the creation of consortiums and alliances among various companies that a place a premium on joint responsibility for the project’s implementation and not just the distinct fulfilment of a specific task: supplying resources or a certain type of equipment. The placement of a major order is not only a matter of prestige, but carries a large amount of responsibility. A number of conditions must be met to stay on top of things, strictly observe a construction schedule and remain within the budget. Key discussion topics: What is the ideal way for companies to interact in a partnership arrangement? How should a project's risks be distributed? Does the use of contractual arrangements provide any special advantages? How do partners in big international projects resolve issues involving the localization of suppliers and what are the requirements for them? What skillsets should the customer and its strategic partners have to successfully implement mega-projects? |
13.30-15.30 | TRACK: DIGITAL FUTURE AND INDUSTRY 4.0 «Life-cycle Management: What Does The Customer Want - A Physical Object or a Management platform?» The track ‘The Digital Future and Industry 4.0’ will review trends in the development of the digital industry. This track will feature a number of round tables that focus on new approaches to the life-cycle management of an industrial enterprise: from project development to commercial operation exploitation and the application of standards (quality management, life-cycle management, and cost management). Such approaches have become a crucial element in the successful development of the nuclear industry as well as key development projects. Today it has become difficult to build a power station or a factory without an information model. Tomorrow the completion of such task will be impossible without a digital twin. In the future, all objects will exist in two dimensions – in the dimension of a physical object and in the dimension of its real-time digital copy. The digital representation ensures the effective maintenance of infrastructure, risk assessment, and the creation of optimal processes. A greater level of competitiveness could be achieved through structural changes in the production process as well as personnel, financial, and communications management. Digital transformations have made changes to the standards in many areas of project management: data rates and data volume storage have changed, and new roles and functions have appeared. A task of this magnitude requires cooperation among many stakeholders: customers, engineering companies, regulators, investors, and vendors. Digital platforms are being created to provide the fullest possible integration of processes and stakeholders. Nowadays all the world’s biggest economies are obsessed with digital transformation, which has now become a serious prerequisite to productivity growth all over the world. Rosatom, as one of the key actors on the market of digital technologies, suggests cooperating and using its vast expertise based on the highest demands for security and quality. |
Round Table: «Harmony in public acceptance: can the global nuclear industry achieve it by 2050?» The WNA has set ambitious goals: ensuring nuclear energy accounts for 25% of the energy mix by 2050. Achieving this milestone would only be possible if at least 1,000 GW of new capacity were to be commissioned by this time. These goals cannot be achieved without public support. |
Round Table: «Building Capacity in Countries Embarking on or Expanding Their Nuclear Power Programmes» The Goals of the round table: The goal is to discuss topical and major issues in the development of the Nuclear Infrastructure in the countries embarking on and expanding nuclear power programme with the expertized international community as a driver for global collaboration enhancement. Goals of the round table: To discuss topical and major issues in the development of nuclear infrastructure in countries that are embarking on or expanding their nuclear power programme with the international expert community as a driver for enhancing global collaboration. |
Round Table: «How Clean and Green is Nuclear?» The global energy market is changing rapidly and cannot be ignored: today most countries are committed to creating a decarbonized and sustainable energy mix that will contribute to their economic development. Of course, this process has been boosted by the rapid development of renewable energy sources. According to the International Energy Agency, low-carbon energy sources will double their share in the global energy mix by 2040. On the one hand, many experts note that only a few countries around the world will be able to achieve an energy balance based solely on renewable energy due to their climatic and geographical conditions and high energy storage costs. On the other hand, the notion that a green and sustainable energy balance cannot be built without nuclear is becoming widespread. According to a number of energy experts, incorporating nuclear power into the energy mix not only results in greater environmental sustainability but also provides a boost in economic growth and social development. What role does nuclear power play in combating global climate change? |
15th of May | |||||
SPECIAL REPORT: “Lessons learned from experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake at Fukushima Daini NPP” Hall "Orange" 09.30-10.00 | |||||
Hall "Yellow" 100 per. | Hall "Green" 100 per. | Hall "Blue" 100 per. | Hall "Orange" 200 per. | Hall "Gray" 200 per. | |
10.00-13.00 | Round Table: «Total cost and time management of NPP construction projects: constituents of success in international projects» All projects of innovative development in the area of energy businesses will have better chances to succeed, if the owners were not only able to fulfill their obligations, but also continuously improve the system of management of projects and relationships (even in the context, where almost all NPP construction projects over the world do not fit within its deadlines and budgets). It is important to jointly develop key factors of success for NPP construction projects abroad and effects of global partnership in Russia and over the world.
TRACK: DIGITAL FUTURE AND INDUSTRY 4.0 Panel discussion: What is the «Digital Future» of NPP Control Systems? The track ‘The Digital Future and Industry 4.0’ will review trends in the development of the digital industry. This track will feature a number of round tables that focus on new approaches to the life-cycle management of an industrial enterprise: from project development to commercial operation exploitation and the application of standards (quality management, life-cycle management, and cost management). Such approaches have become a crucial element in the successful development of the nuclear industry as well as key development projects. Today it has become difficult to build a power station or a factory without an information model. Tomorrow the completion of such task will be impossible without a digital twin. In the future, all objects will exist in two dimensions – in the dimension of a physical object and in the dimension of its real-time digital copy. The digital representation ensures the effective maintenance of infrastructure, risk assessment, and the creation of optimal processes. A greater level of competitiveness could be achieved through structural changes in the production process as well as personnel, financial, and communications management. Digital transformations have made changes to the standards in many areas of project management: data rates and data volume storage have changed, and new roles and functions have appeared. A task of this magnitude requires cooperation among many stakeholders: customers, engineering companies, regulators, investors, and vendors. Digital platforms are being created to provide the fullest possible integration of processes and stakeholders. Nowadays all the world’s biggest economies are obsessed with digital transformation, which has now become a serious prerequisite to productivity growth all over the world. Rosatom, as one of the key actors on the market of digital technologies, suggests cooperating and using its vast expertise based on the highest demands for security and quality. |
TRACK: PEOPLE OF NUCLEAR INDUSTRY Panel discussion: «Education 4.0: How to Train Engineers of the future» The purpose of the panel is to discuss how to meet current challenges in the education of nuclear engineers. We invited leading experts from the industry, universities, and educational organizations to share new approaches, tools, and their vision of how to train engineers of the future. The nuclear industry is high-tech and requires specific qualifications, profound knowledge, and a high level of responsibility from its workers. Each year nuclear companies and organizations worldwide recruit thousands of graduates and young professionals as they seek out the ones who are ready to deal with modern challenges and can help a company achieve its business goals. Who is the engineer of the future? What skills does he/she need in the digital era? How have the requirements for graduates changed in recent years? These are some of the questions we would like to discuss during the panel session, including questions concerning the new formats of training (digital trends, e-learning etc.); the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) model; early career guidance; and case studies from international joint university educational programs case studies, among others. |
Round Table: «The Life Cycle of Nuclear Fuel. Challenges and Forward-Looking Solutions» A key precondition for the development of global nuclear energy is the management of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive waste (RAW) in the future nuclear fuel cycle, thereby making it possible to broaden the capabilities of raw material supply for nuclear generation in the long term and reducing the volume and danger of nuclear energy waste. |
Different trends will determine the global energy landscape of the future: demographic and social changes, fluctuations in the global economy, climate change, a lack of resources, and technological innovations. Each trend will have a major impact on the way we live and the quality of our lives. This is true for the global energy sector as well. All the changes in global demographics, the economy, and technological level will determine the face of new energy sources. Until recently, nuclear energy was represented by large-scale plants that were able to provide stable baseload power. But there has now been a shift to smaller solutions as renewable energy sources and small-scale gas power units have become more widespread. In order to reflect this shift, a new approach to nuclear power generation is being taken in the form of SMRs. Today there is a global trend in the nuclear industry to develop smaller units. Small modular reactors (SMRs) are defined as nuclear reactors that generally have 300 MW equivalent or less. The round table discussion will focus on assessing the market potential of SMR technologies from the perspective of different nuclear technology vendors and developers as well as potential customers. A pool of widely recognized experts on energy technologies will contribute to the round table discussion. |
14.00-17.00 | TRACK: NEW POWER ENGINEERING Round Table: «Russia as a «New Energy» Market Player. Is There Potential for Entering the International Market?» The industrial revolution and the development of distributed generation and renewable energy not only dictate the need for new solutions in the energy sector, but also create new opportunities for Russian companies on the international market. |
TRACK: DIGITAL FUTURE AND INDUSTRY 4.0 Round table: «Additive Technologies as an Essential Component of the New Industrial Revolution» The track ‘The Digital Future and Industry 4.0’ will review trends in the development of the digital industry. This track will feature a number of round tables that focus on new approaches to the life-cycle management of an industrial enterprise: from project development to commercial operation exploitation and the application of standards (quality management, life-cycle management, and cost management). Such approaches have become a crucial element in the successful development of the nuclear industry as well as key development projects. Today it has become difficult to build a power station or a factory without an information model. Tomorrow the completion of such task will be impossible without a digital twin. In the future, all objects will exist in two dimensions – in the dimension of a physical object and in the dimension of its real-time digital copy. The digital representation ensures the effective maintenance of infrastructure, risk assessment, and the creation of optimal processes. A greater level of competitiveness could be achieved through structural changes in the production process as well as personnel, financial, and communications management. Digital transformations have made changes to the standards in many areas of project management: data rates and data volume storage have changed, and new roles and functions have appeared. A task of this magnitude requires cooperation among many stakeholders: customers, engineering companies, regulators, investors, and vendors. Digital platforms are being created to provide the fullest possible integration of processes and stakeholders. Nowadays all the world’s biggest economies are obsessed with digital transformation, which has now become a serious prerequisite to productivity growth all over the world. Rosatom, as one of the key actors on the market of digital technologies, suggests cooperating and using its vast expertise based on the highest demands for security and quality. |
Purpose of the round table: Increasing competition on the energy market has resulted in the emergence of new solutions and the continuous development of technology. Future R&D requires the appropriate new research facilities, which are quite expensive. A global scientific partnership is the key to enhancing the effectiveness of financial investments in research infrastructure and optimizing R&D costs. Multilateral research programs could be useful for distributing the costs and risks among several partners, so it is important to have a pre-agreed plan for the ownership and use of joint intellectual property. Which successful formats of cooperation are used in international scientific projects? How is cooperation organized in such projects? Key factors influencing the success of international scientific cooperation. Is the joint use of advanced new research infrastructure a constraining factor? |
Round Table: «Foundation for the Future Development of Nuclear Energy: Economic Efficiency, Safe Radwaste Management and the Decommissioning of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities»
Economic efficiency, safe radwaste management and the decommissioning of nuclear facilities are indispensable for the development of nuclear energy in general: only by learning to work with radwaste and decommissioning nuclear facilities in a safe and cost-efficient manner will we be able to preserve the public’s trust and the economic appeal of the “nuclear” kilowatt. The round table on radwaste management and the decommissioning of nuclear facilities aims to demonstrate the importance of a global partnership in this area: exchanging best practices and the joint search among experts for answers to universal questions is the easiest path to success for individual countries and companies and for nuclear power in general. |
Round Table: «Non-Energy Use of Nuclear Technologies» Nuclear technologies clearly have the potential to be used for non-energy purposes, and we can see how these technologies are broadly used today in such industries as healthcare and agriculture. A global partnership in this respect not only offers brand new business opportunities, but also allows for effectively combating challenges shared by all countries.
WILD EDENS RUSSIA FILM PREMIERE (Plenary Session Hall) 17:00–19:30 |
16th of May | |||||
Hall "Yellow" 100 per. | Hall "Green" 100 per. | Hall "Blue" 100 per. | Hall "Orange" 200 per. | Hall "Gray" 200 per. | |
10.00-13.00 | TRACK: NEW POWER ENGINEERING Round Table: «Use of Energy Storage Devices in Renewable Power Generation and Electric Transportation»
A number of think-tanks have recently made optimistic forecasts regarding the development of the energy storage devices market. The long-term benefits and importance of developing this market are indisputable given the development of related technologies, such as renewable energy sources, power efficiency and electric vehicles. At present, each EU member state is taking its own approach to the development of the power storage sector. In Germany, there has been rapid development in industrial energy storage projects. In the UK, energy storage devices have already become an integral part of the electric power industry, while new regulations aimed at liberalizing and stimulating the market are expected to emerge in the near future. The round table discussion will examine the world's best practices and approaches to the development of the energy storage industry. In addition, the speakers will talk about such topics as developing the energy storage devices market in Russia and the relevant regulations that need to be imposed to accelerate the development pace of this promising industry. |
TRACK: PEOPLE OF NUCLEAR INDUSTRY TRACK: DIGITAL FUTURE AND INDUSTRY 4.0 Panel Discussion: «Key Skills for the Economy of the Future: Challenges and Global Partnership Opportunities» The digitalization of the economy will provide the foundation for creating fundamentally new types of business, trade, logistics and production, and for changing the format of education, healthcare, management and communications. Economic models are rapidly changing, which requires professionals to quickly adjust to new forms of interaction as well as partnerships. That’s why it is critically important for high-tech companies to transition to a model involving the advanced development of technologies and competencies.
Tournament of young professionals «TeMP» |
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