Presentation of the speakers "ATOMEXPO 2009"
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Plenary session of took place in the framework of Atomexpo 2009 May 27 2009
Representatives of AREVA, Siemens, Atomstroyexport CJSC, Atomenergomash OJSC, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, International Uranium Enrichment Center and Ernst & Young took part in the session.
They discussed possibilities of international cooperation in the fields of production of power equipment and automated and safety control systems and training of personnel for nuclear power plants.
The representatives of Atomstroyexport told their colleagues about the company's cooperation with foreign partners. They reported on the Russian-Chinese cooperation in the framework of Tianwan NPP project, the international cooperation under Belene NPP project, the Russian-Indian partnership for the construction for Kudankulam NPP. The head of the department for construction of NPP in India of Atomstroyexport Andrey Lebedev said that the Russian-Indian inter-governmental agreement stipulated the construction of four more WWER-1000 reactors at Kudankulam NPP site. Shortly Atomstroyexport will submit a relevant commercial proposal to the Indian party.
Vice Principal of Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Edward Kyuchkov made a report on the establishment of the national nuclear research university. The university is supposed to apply an absolutely new approach to national and international nuclear education. The university will embrace 23 Russian educational institutions in 4 of 7 federal districts and will train a total of 40,000 students on 60 nuclear specialties. The decision on the establishment of the university is to be passed shortly.
Director General of the Moscow Office of International Uranium Enrichment center Aleksey Lebedev presented the plans to enlarge the membership of the center. "Presently, we are negotiating with India, South Korea and South African Republic. The new member will get a 10% stake at a very reasonable price", Lebedev said.