Main Media Center,
May 14-16, 2018
Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation
Welcome to the opening of the 10th Anniversary Forum ATOMEXPO 2018!
Over the years, the ATOMEXPO has brought the heads of major companies, government agencies, non-commercial associations, leading experts from Russia and around the world together and established itself as a respected platform for discussing topical issues in the nuclear industry at the highest professional level.
I would like to stress that, in current conditions, providing access to stable and environmentally friendly energy sources is crucial to the development of the global economy and the preservation of the planet’s natural balance. First of all, the demand for energy efficient and safe nuclear technologies is growing steadily.
MoreAlexey Likhachev
Director GeneralState Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom»
Over its 10-year history ATOMEXPO International Forum has become a truly significant event in the global nuclear industry, a platform for engaged and constructive dialogue among heads of major nuclear companies, government agencies, international organizations, and leading experts.
Today global partnerships and innovations are crucial in solving key challenges of the nuclear power industry – providing energy security and stability of supplies, while preserving environmental sustainability. We are convinced that the headway towards further innovations in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, towards a global “green” energy mix is only possible through joint efforts.
MoreSergey Kiriyenko
First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation
Head of the Supervisory Board at Rosatom State Corporation
The International Forum ATOMEXPO is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2018. Over the years, the Forum has earned the trust and respect of the international community, bringing together global leaders in nuclear energy, as well as countries that have just started their journeys towards the development of nuclear energy or which are in the process of adopting strategic decisions on their energy polices.
The Forum has always tackled the most topical issues facing the nuclear industry, and it is known for attracting highly respected experts to take part in constructive discussions of innovative ideas aimed at the development of the nuclear industry, enhancing its safety and promoting competitiveness.
MoreAgneta Rising
Director General of World Nuclear Association (WNA)
We are meeting this year at the tenth Atomexpo. The first was held in 2009 in Moscow. Since that first conference fifty nuclear reactors have been connected to the grid. Half of these started up in the last three years. Over the next two years another thirty are due to begin operations.
This acceleration in nuclear build has been achieved in no small part through the globalisation of the nuclear industry and an increasing level of international cooperation and partnership.
One of the key activities of World Nuclear Association is to promote nuclear industry cooperation. We provide a forum and commercial meeting place for leaders and specialists representing all aspects of the nuclear industry. The global industry’s vision of the future of electricity, Harmony, was developed though our Association.
MoreJacques Regaldo
WANO Chairman
In a changing context around the world, nuclear energy has to face new challenges:
First, seeking to reduce CO2 emissions, most countries are re-thinking their energy mix and developing renewables (solar, wind, etc.). Nuclear energy is also one of the main options to deal with this demand. This is very clear at the moment in Asia and the Middle East where the nuclear fleet is growing rapidly.
In addition, with more competition between energies and economic pressure, the nuclear industry is being challenged everywhere to demonstrate its efficiency. Encouraging best practice is a key way for each company to improve.
And finally, the nuclear industry is also being challenged to be more transparent to improve public acceptance.
MoreAnatoly Pakhomov
Mayor of Sochi
On behalf of all residents of Sochi, I would like to welcome the participants, guests, and organizers of the tenth ATOMEXPO 2018 International Forum!
We are honoured to host such a high-profile forum! It brings together leading representatives of business, political and public figures, scientists, and experts to discuss the priorities and focuses of the nuclear industry’s development.
The ATOMEXPO Forum is all the more important today because the nuclear industry has a high concentration of the most advanced technologies and enormous innovative potential, which can make a substantial contribution to improving people’s quality of life.
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