Welcome Address – Jacques Regaldo

Dear colleagues!
In a changing context around the world, nuclear energy has to face new challenges: 

First, seeking to reduce CO2 emissions, most countries are re-thinking their energy mix and developing renewables (solar, wind, etc.). Nuclear energy is also one of the main options to deal with this demand. This is very clear at the moment in Asia and the Middle East where the nuclear fleet is growing rapidly.

In addition, with more competition between energies and economic pressure, the nuclear industry is being challenged everywhere to demonstrate its efficiency. Encouraging best practice is a key way for each company to improve.

And finally, the nuclear industry is also being challenged to be more transparent to improve public acceptance.

But whatever the challenges are, we all have to keep in mind that in the face of this changing context, nuclear safety remains our overriding priority.

WANO’s role is to stay focused on nuclear safety fundamentals. We must never be complacent, especially as economic pressure is increasing. Relying on a strong, united and vigilant community, WANO’s mission is to raise safety standards in operation all over the world. Safety is our first priority because it is the condition for the acceptance and development of nuclear energy. Safety culture is also a key issue for every player in the field of nuclear energy (public authorities, businesses, educational establishments, expert communities and other stakeholders). Raising safety standards needs strong international cooperation and global partnership across the nuclear operating community. Our progress should be supported by collective efforts and an open attitude worldwide. These are the conditions for joint success.

In this context, I would like to underline the importance of ATOMEXPO which takes place every year and is a major event for the industry. WANO’s support of this event confirms our commitment to strengthen international cooperation in the nuclear power industry for the continuous improvement of nuclear safety. May I wish all those taking part in ATOMEXPO fruitful discussions and successful cooperation.

Jacques Regaldo, WANO Chairman

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