Main Media Centre,
April 15–16, 2019
Nuclear for better life
15–16 APRIL, 2019
15 APRIL | |||||
Hall "Yellow" | Hall "Green" | Hall "Blue" | Hall "Orange" | Hall "Gray" | |
09.00–10.45 |
“Risk Management: New Challenges and Opportunities For Sustainable Development Goals Achievement” Greater competition as well as changes in market conditions and consumer demand has forced energy companies to continuously improve and adapt their risk management system, among other things, in order to enhance the effectiveness of their management models.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Prospects for Developing Partnerships between Internal Audit and Business” The ability of business to continuously improve efficiency, productivity, and safety as well as its social focus are the formula for success in achieving sustainable development goals and enhancing the public acceptance of business. The main objective of a business partner’s internal audit is to find and offer optimal solutions for development, provide reasonable confidence in achieving strategic business goals, and improve the efficiency of the internal control system, which provides a business with a significant competitive advantage. In the rapidly changing conditions of the global business landscape, the global professional community needs to consolidate its efforts to formulate new tasks and priorities in establishing partnerships between internal audit and business.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Investment in Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges” Innovations and technical advances have radically changed the world in the 21st century. The use of the latest technologies is a critical factor for competitiveness in the energy sector as well. In an effort to ensure the kind of sustainable development declared by the UN, industry leaders must understand and respond to the most pressing challenges in a timely manner. In order to enhance the innovativeness of products and projects and create new technologies, companies will need to find modern approaches that will help solve the most pressing problems: attracting new investments by searching for unconventional financing mechanisms and developing project financing tools, among other things. Can the sustainable development agenda ensure the development of optimal financial solutions, will major international players be able to adapt to the new demands, or are new innovative companies destined to require ‘sustainable’ funding?
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Responsible Approach to the Environment and Natural Resources” The degradation of the environment, a lack of natural resources, and population growth mean environmental aspects take center stage in the implementation of any project. Any decision must take into account the project’s environmental impact at the local, regional and global levels. There is a clear global trend of business processes transitioning to the concept of environmental marketing with the aim of causing minimal environmental damage at all stages of a product’s life cycle as well as minimizing the use of natural resources.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
Nowadays nuclear industry companies are among the most high-tech enterprises in the world. Their advanced solutions not only meet the highest safety requirements, but also show that nuclear industries in various countries are innovation centres that develop technological insight and unique competences in the IT sector.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
14.30–16.30 |
“Global Alliances as a Condition for Sustainable Development” The modern trends of forming alliances and consortiums for the implementation of mega-projects in construction have a multiplying effect on reaching the eighth and the ninth goals of sustainable development. Namely, they contribute to economic growth, to positive dynamic in the employment rate. They also impact the infrastructure development and innovation. The organizational form of such environment, however, changes along with approaches to projects’ implementation. A profound understanding of these processes is essential for the construction industry to remain competitive on the global market. This is especially relevant for the nuclear industry where the scope of nuclear power plants (NPP) construction projects has been growing exponentially each year. This is happening for the obvious reasons: the construction of NPP has a significant positive effect on macro-economic parameters in both customer countries and supplier countries. And, therefore, it is important to discuss the following issues:
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
This roundtable discussion will be held in partnership with the National Association of Construction-Engineering Consultants (NACEC). |
“Preparing for the Future: Innovations and Education” Organizer:The Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA OECD)
It is now widely recognised that the nuclear sector requires a range of technological and institutional innovations to ensure the safe, secure and sustainable use of nuclear energy, to help meet global energy demand and combat environmental challenges. However, nuclear energy faces significant headwinds and questions remain about whether and when a new wave of nuclear energy technologies will become available for playing a significant role in the energy systems of the future. An important challenge that the nuclear sector faces is in the area of workforce development and knowledge management. The lack of consistent investments in the research and development of new nuclear energy technologies has created a knowledge and competence gap in many countries which continues to widen. In nuclear industries around the world, researchers and practitioners developed and acquired critical expertise on-the-job through decades of experience. This workforce is aging and approaching retirement. The tacit knowledge and expertise thus remain at risk until pathways for transferring it to the next generation are established.
The purpose of the Round Table is to:
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Building Nuclear Infrastructure as a Key Component for the Sustainability of Nuclear Projects” National nuclear projects are designed to help achieve sustainable development goals. The comprehensive development of nuclear infrastructure involves the large-scale development of human resources, the creation of a regulatory and legal framework to regulate nuclear energy, and improving a country’s scientific potential for the use of nuclear and radiation technologies in industry, agriculture, science, and medicine. When adopting measures to develop nuclear infrastructure, a government must address a number of issues such as providing comprehensive and high-quality education, encouraging lifelong learning opportunities, creating sustainable infrastructure, promoting systemic industrialization and innovation, and creating effective institutions at all levels that have a broad level of involvement.
“Carbon-Free Generation in the Energy of the Future” The global energy market is undergoing a major transformation. More and more attention is being paid to a reduction in GHG emissions, there has been a gradual transition to distributed generation, an increase in the level of digitalization and the intensity of new technologies being utilized. The transition process has a significant impact on the structure of the global energy mix, alters the roles of key energy market players, and provides better access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
Developing human resources for the economy of the future is one of the global community’s key challenges at the moment. According to the OECD, more than 35 per cent of current employees are not compatible with employers’ demands and the gap continues to expand. Experts estimate that a lack of professionals results in a shortfall of USD 2.1 trillion in profits for the global economy each year. Technological breakthroughs provide unprecedented development opportunities for the global economy, but also set higher standards for human resources. Structural deficiencies and challenges related to the development of human resources call into question the speed and effectiveness of how many countries will transition to the economy of tomorrow and be able to fully utilize their technological potential. The transformation of global labour markets and global employment as well as the speed and complexity of technological and social changes force us to take the appropriate measures and review the principals of international cooperation. Main topics:
16 APRIL |
Hall "Yellow" | Hall "Green" | Hall "Blue" | Hall "Orange" | Hall "Gray" | |
10.00–12.00 |
Efforts by business to achieve sustainable development goals may yield much greater results if local communities and representatives of civil society actively collaborate and get involved in the implementation of joint humanitarian initiatives.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Nuclear Medicine: Trends, Innovations and Best Practices” Nuclear medicine is currently one of the most dynamically developing areas in the healthcare sector. The methods used in nuclear medicine have taken the fight against cancer and other diseases to a completely new level due to their extremely high level of efficiency and, in some cases, the lack of any alternatives, both in the diagnosis of numerous diseases as well as the therapy for their treatment, particularly oncological diseases. The goal of the roundtable is not only to discuss market trends, but also to plot a course for future research and cooperation in this area.
“What Mix of Nuclear and Renewables can Best Achieve Sustainable Development?” Organizer: What are the challenges of establishing a 100% low carbon generation mix? Is there such a thing as a single “best possible” generation mix and what are the criteria for evaluating what such a mix would be? If there are multiple options for decarbonization what point must strategies diverge? This panel will explore how to achieve a sustainable energy mix by combining nuclear energy with other low carbon energy sources. Panellists will describe their experiences of generating electricity in countries with low carbon mixes today and explain what new requirements are placed on nuclear reactor operators. The panel will also discuss how advocates for individual generation technologies can work together to achieve the optimal generation mix.
“New Nuclear Generation: Partnership for Development” Description: Continuous developments in technology result in rapid changes in the economy and business. To meet the demands of tomorrow, we need to identify areas where we can work with the new generation of the nuclear industry that contribute to the development of a culture of partnership, cross-functional networking, and customer-centricity both within individual companies and in the global nuclear community. Main topics:
“The Sustainable Development of Cities: The Nuclear Industry’s Contribution” At its current stage of technological development, the global nuclear industry is making a significant contribution to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Global nuclear industries have a great impact on the socioeconomic development of cities and regions through the use of innovative solutions that help to boost public access to clean water and desalinated sea water, create a smart and safe urban environment, develop human capital, and improve people’s living conditions and quality of life.
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
13.30–15.30 |
“Generating a Safer Future Together” Organizer: Safety excellence and performance success are closely linked when it comes to nuclear operations. How do operators communicate effectively and share information to raise the performance of all operators to that of the best? What do organisations involved in new build need to consider to support the transition of new units from construction to operation, in order for them to start up safely and on time? And with managers playing a vital part in delivering excellence and a strong nuclear safety culture, industry experts will consider the question: ‘what needs to be done to enhance leadership skills in the nuclear industry? Panellists will describe their experiences of how operators can work together, share information and benchmark data to improve performance. They will also discuss the challenges facing the industry’s new units and how they should be supported. They will then debate how leadership can positively enhance performance.
A key condition for ensuring safety at reasonable costs for nuclear facilities is to establish reliable supply chains with a vertically integrated and sustainable quality management system. In order to build international nuclear industry supply chains in the modern world, the key stakeholders in the nuclear sector must answer the following essential questions:
The main topics for discussions at the round table are:
“Nuclear Technologies as a Key Driver of Scientific and Technological Innovation” The development of nuclear energy entails solving various ambitious challenges in matters concerning basic sciences, engineering, and ecology, among other things. The use of advanced nuclear technologies in industry, healthcare, and space exploration will promote sustainable industrialization, foster innovation development, and open up new opportunities to which such industries previously had no access at all. Main discussion topics:
DISCUSSION “WHY HUMANS NEED NUCLEAR” People around the world – from the U.S. to Germany to Taiwan – are stepping up and publicly voicing their support for nuclear. Their advocacy efforts have already resulted in tremendous victories, giving a new hope for a future powered by clean and reliable energy. Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment,” renowned environmentalist Michael Shellenberger, along with pro-nuclear activist Iida Ruishalme of “Mothers for Nuclear” and award-winning director Frankie Fenton, who is telling the story of the pro-nuclear grassroots movement through the video camera lens, will talk about their journeys and missions to defend nuclear power as our largest source of clean energy. Rosatom’s commitment to realizing the promise of nuclear energy to achieve universal prosperity and nature for all through the “Wild Edens” project will also be discussed.
16.00 – 17.00 |
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