Main Media Centre,
April 15–16, 2019
Nuclear for better life
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for your interest in the International Forum ATOMEXPO. Mass media accreditation is required for work at the Forum. To receive accreditation, please fill in the registration form. Before completing the form, kindly acknowledge the accreditation rules. In the form, select “media” as your participation status.
Applications for media accreditation will be accepted on the official ATOMEXPO website from January 14 to April 11, 2019.
Accredited media representatives receive a PRESS badge at the checkpoint in the registration area of the Main Media Centre upon presentation of a valid passport. Media representatives are required to present their passport and PRESS badge in order to gain access to the Main Media Centre. Access to the Press Centre, exhibition area and all business programme events is granted upon presentation of the badge only.
The Press Centre of the Forum is located on the second floor of the Main Media Centre (exposition plan). The Press Centre provides accredited journalists with a work zone equipped with computers as well as cable and Wi-Fi internet access. Working hours of the Press Centre on May 14–16: 08:30 AM – 6:00 PM.
If you have any questions about accreditation and the work of mass media representatives at the Forum venue, please contact the ATOMEXPO press service:
Svetlana Dvoryaninova
Press secretary
E-mail: SDvoryaninova@atomexpo.comEkaterina Soshnikova
Press Service Manager
E-mail: ESSoshnikova@atomexpo.com
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