Park of Science and Art Sirius
May 23–24, 2022
On 16th of April at AtomExpo 2019 International Forum the State Research Center JSC RPA CNIITMASH and the Petrojet Company, Egypt, have signed Memorandum of Understanding about development of cooperation for execution of nuclear projects in the Middle East and North Africa regions. The Memorandum was signed by the General Director of CNIITMASH Dr. Orlov and Vice-Chairman for Business Development of Petrojet Dr.-Eng. Moataz Khalil.
In a frame of the said Memorandum Parties will set up the business cooperation in the most suit-able form to support Petrojet involvement in projects of NPP, which are based on Russian design and quality system. It is considered that CNIITMASH will arrange corresponding certification of materials, processes and equipment as well as required accreditation of laboratories and training and examination of operative staff in full compliance with requirements of the applicable Russian standards, Rules and Regulations.
Viktor Orlov, CNIITMASH’s General Director, said: Currently in our State Corporation Rosatom the system and practice of cooperation with foreign subcontractors and subsuppliers is in progress of development and optimization, especially for nuclear projects, executed abroad under Russian Design. Our cooperation with Petrojet will allow to check and optimize our concept for any further partners, subcontractors and subsuppliers for other projects implemented abroad. However, this is not the first experience for us in performing of examination of compliance of foreign materials, equipment and personnel for the Rosatom projects, and we do believe that it can lead to formation of future market of our services offered to our foreign partners.
Petrojet, stated in his turn: The cooperation with ROSATOM’s esteemed enterprises in EL Dabaa NPP project is a priority for Petrojet, not only because it is a basic step to enter the nuclear renaissance, but also due to our commitment to exert all efforts to achieve the success of this signifi-cant national project, being the largest state-owned joint-stock company and the leading in terms of accreditation with Nuclear Stamps in the Egyptian construction market. We expect a significant added value from CNIITMASH to assist Petrojet utilizing its manufacturing and construction capabilities for the benefit of EL Dabaa and other ROSATOM’s NPP projects around the world.
For reference:
Petroleum Projects & Technical Consultations Co (Petrojet) – big and well-known regional manufacturer and Contractor in the field of Construction, Energy and Sea Transportation.
RF SRC JSC “RPA “Central Scientific Research Institute of Machinery Technology” (JSC “RPA “CNIITMASH”) was founded in 1929. The Institute has the status of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, the leading material science organization of the State Corporation Rosatom, the head technology organization of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC and the Technopark of Moscow. He is the developer of the main materials, technologies, the manufacturer of specialized technological equipment and products of power and heavy engineering, including the most important elements of the equipment of nuclear power units with VVER-1000 reactors, nuclear power plants of the new generation NPP-2006, hydraulic and gas turbines, power units of thermal power stations, presses and metallurgical equipment.
JSC Atomenergomash is a power machine building division of the State Corporation Rosatom, one of the leading power engineering companies in Russia. JSC Atomenergomash is a supplier of efficient integrated solutions for nuclear, thermal power, gas and petrochemical, shipbuilding and other industries. The company unites the leading production, research and engineering enterprises in the territory of Russia and abroad. Official website:
Source: Media-centre of JSC Atomenergomash
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