Park of Science and Art Sirius
May 23–24, 2022
1. Accreditation of mass media (the Media) representatives at the ATOMEXPO International Forum (the Forum) is performed for the purpose of ensuring the proper working conditions for professional activities of the Media representatives preparing and distributing complete and accurate information on the Forum events.
2. Accreditation of the Media representatives is performed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media” and these Regulations, to ensure mutually beneficial cooperation and regulate the operations of the Media representatives during the Forum.
3. Accreditation of the Media representatives is mandatory for working at all Forum events.
4. Representatives of the Russian Media registered with the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media”, and representatives of the foreign Media registered in accordance with their national legislation, are eligible for accreditation.
5. Persons other than the Media representatives, and representatives of advertising publications, catalogs, Internet portals of commercial, reference or specialized topics not related to the Forum specialization are not eligible for the Media accreditation.
6. The Forum organizers may deny accreditation to the Media representatives providing misleading or inaccurate information about themselves or their Media, failing to complete the accreditation procedure within the set timing or violating the work rules at the event.
7. The Media representatives wishing to take part in the Forum coverage shall submit an accreditation application (the Application) through the official website of the Forum. All fields related to the accreditation form shall be completed in the Application. The Application that contains errors or is not fully completed shall be rejected.<
8. Accreditation of the Media representatives begins two months prior and ends five days prior to the opening of the Forum.
9. Badges are issued to the Media representatives at the check-in desk at the Forum venue, provided that their accreditation is confirmed in the Forum database, a passport is presented along with a press card or an official letter on the Media letterhead indicating an editorial task. The badge is personalized and shall not be passed to third parties during the Forum.
10. The accredited Media representatives are entitled to:
11. The accredited Media representatives shall:
For all issues related to accreditation and operation at the Forum venue, the Media representatives can contact the press service of LLC "ATOMEXPO", the Forum Operator.
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