Park of Science and Art Sirius
May 23–24, 2022
Specialists at the Volgodonsk Branch of JSC AEM-technology (part of Atomenergomash, ROSATOM’s machine-building division) have started manufacturing capital equipment for Unit 3 of the Xudapu Nuclear Power Plant (China), which is currently under construction.
TVEL Fuel Company, which is part of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, and France’s Framatome SAS have applied to the German Federal Cartel Office for authorization to establish a joint venture for producing nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants. According to PRIME, the report has been posted on the official website of the authority.
Members of the fourth graduating class of students from Turkey who have completed their studies at the MEPhI National Nuclear Research University received certificates of higher education in nuclear power engineering.
The US Power magazine, one of the most trusted, reputable and long-standing energy industry publications, has referred to the beginning of use of industrial uranium-plutonium mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel for fast neutron reactors in Russia as the number one development in the global power industry in 2020.
The experts have started flushing of active and passive safety systems with the open reactor at Unit 2 of Belarus NPP (the general designer and general contractor is ROSATOM Engineering Division).
In accordance with the agreements, the companies will work together to participate in the tender for the construction of Belene NPP. As part of the agreement, if ROSATOM becomes a strategic investor of the project through a competitive process, General Electric will be considered as the partner of an Arabelle based turbine-generator set and Turbine Hall Equipment and Framatome SAS as the key partner of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Systems for the Bulgarian NPP.
PJSC “ZiO-Podolsk” (owned by machine-building division of ROSATOM - JSC Atomenergomash) has manufactured and shipped the second lot of the equipment for Riverside Waste-to-Energy Plant in the UK. The delivery set includes one module of the third stage superheater and two modules of the fourth stage superheater. The total weight of equipment shipped is 100 tons.
On April 3th 2020 Ganz EEG Kft (Russian-Hungarian joint venture, subsidiary of mechanical engineering division of ROSATOM - “Atomenergomash”) has supplied 3 horizontal shaft Kaplan-type turbines with a performance of 1,825 MW each, ordered by the Russian RusHydro company.
Ensuring nuclear safety and safeguarding the lives and health of both our employees and the general public has been our first and utmost priority for decades. Safety is ROSATOM’s key value. We have always had contingency plans for any kind of emergency situations, including those related to the health of our employees...
Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM met with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed in the People's Republic of Bangladesh. During the meeting, the Parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation while development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. The delegation visited Rooppur NPP, the site for construction of the first Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh.
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