Park of Science and Art Sirius
May 23–24, 2022
Starting from March 14, accreditation is open for media representatives willing to attend the Tenth Anniversary International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018 that will be held on May 14-16 at the Main Media Center in Sochi. Applications can be submitted until May 8. The application form, along with the event accreditation rules and working instructions, are available at the “Press Center” section of the Forum’s official website: http://www.atomexpo2018.ru/en/pages/pravila_akreditacii.
The International Forum ATOMEXPO is the main congress and exhibition event of the Russian nuclear industry. It is the largest business and exhibition platform created to discuss the current issues of nuclear technology development worldwide, exchange best practices and boost partner relationships.
The main topic of the Tenth Anniversary ATOMEXPO Forum is formulated as follows: “Global Partnership – Joint Success”. Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom State Corporation, told the Forum participants in his welcome address: “Today, in order to solve the key issues of the nuclear power industry – ensuring energy security, stability of supplies, and environmental friendliness – global partnerships and innovations are especially important. We are convinced that moving forward towards the further development of the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and towards a global “green” energy balance is only possible through joint efforts”.
The Forum’s three-day business agenda features more than 20 events – plenary and panel discussions, round tables, presentations. In particular, the round table “Developing Competencies for Novice Countries and Countries Expanding Their Nuclear Energy Programs” will consider the experience of nuclear infrastructure development in the UAE and Belarus; the IAEA experience related to nuclear infrastructure assessment missions; and a number of issues faced by various countries when creating regulatory agencies.
Participants of the round table “Globalization as a Key to Success: from Contractors to Partners” will discuss the latest trends in nuclear power plant engineering, while attendees of the round table “Green Investment: Building Capacity and Expanding Outlook” will share their success stories in financing green energy projects.
At the round table “Big Future for Small Solutions”, experts, developers and prospective customers will be requested to answer the question why low-power reactor technologies will be an attractive solution and estimate the key barriers obstructing the successful implementation of low-capacity NPP projects and the possibility of mutually beneficial partnership in this area.
The advantages of closed nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) from the viewpoint of environmental safety and sustainable resource usage will be discussed at the round table “Nuclear Fuel Life Cycle”. Its key topics include future fuel types, molten salt reactors, using regenerated products, fractioning nuclear waste materials, and nuclear waste transmutation technologies.
The round table “International Scientific Cooperation and Advanced Research Infrastructure as a Basis for Innovative Development of Nuclear Industry” will be dedicated to the development of 4th generation reactor technologies, development of fast nuclear reactors, international projects MBIR (multipurpose fast-neutron research reactor) of the International Research Center (Russia) and JHR (France), and priority research areas after 2025.
More round tables and panel discussions are planned as part of three topical tracks: “Digital Future and Industry 4.0”, “New Energy Technologies”, “Humans in Nuclear Industry”.
Rosatom State Corporation’s and IAEA’s third joint school of management in the field of nuclear energy use will be held at ATOMEXPO for the first time. Its main goal is to transfer a unique educational experience in the field of nuclear program management to the countries planning to develop the nuclear power industry.
A special event of the Anniversary Forum will be the premiere of the ATOMEXPO AWARDS – an international professional award for contribution to the development of the nuclear industry and the use of nuclear energy for the benefit of mankind. The awarding ceremony will take place on May 14, on the opening day of the Forum.
The ATOMEXPO 2018 business agenda will be complemented by an extensive exhibition program involving world’s leading companies in nuclear energy and related industries.
The Forum is organized by Rosatom State Corporation. The platinum sponsor of the Tenth Anniversary International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018 is Sovcombank PJSC. The Forum’s operator is LLC “Atomexpo”. Please visit the website of the event http://www.atomexpo2018.ru/en/ or contact us by phone/fax +7 (499) 922-89-95 or е-mail: atomexpo@atomexpo.com to find out more about the program and Forum participation.
For reference:
The International Forum ATOMEXPO has been held since 2009 on the initiative of Rosatom State Corporation. Over these years, about 38 thousand people from 83 countries took part in the Forum events. 987 companies presented their expositions. 1,116 experts spoke at 141 round table meetings. More than 300 agreements and international cooperation documents were signed during the nine Forums.
LLC "Atomexpo" press service
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