Park of Science and Art Sirius
May 23–24, 2022
It was the first award ceremony for prize-winners of ATOMEXPO AWARDS, which was held during the 10th Anniversary International Forum ATOMEXPO-2018 in Sochi on 14th May 2018. This international professional prize is awarded to companies from the global industry for their outstanding performance, which significantly contributed to development of the nuclear industry and nuclear energy use for the benefit of mankind.
To decide on the winners of ATOMEXPO AWARDS a competition was started between projects submitted by corporate participants of ATOMEXPO forums (which took place between 2009-2018) featuring five nominations: “Best Launch” (the most promising projects on nuclear programmes implementation); “Nuclear Technologies for better life” (the best projects in the field of non-energy related application of nuclear technologies); “Innovations for the Future” (the best break-through and innovative technology projects); “Public Communication” (the best communication projects); “Human Capital Development” (the best human capital management projects).
51 companies submitted their applications for the competition representing 22 countries: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, United Kingdom, Hungary, Ghana, Germany, Egypt, Zambia, India, Iran, Spain, Kenya, Mongolia, the Netherlands, Russia, Turkey, Finland, France, Republic of South Africa. An independent international jury comprising of global experts from the nuclear industry reviewed every project from professional point of view and decided on 3 nominees in every category. Chairs of the jury for each nomination awarded prizes to winners: Henry Proglio, member of the Board of Directors of JSC AKKUYU NÜKLEER and Fennovoima Ltd; Fernando Naredo, General Secretary of European Nuclear Society (ENS); Takuya Hattori, Senior Advisor of the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF); Pedro Porras, General Secretary of European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), Luis Echávarri, consultant with Ingeniero Industrial.
The prize for the best project in the nomination “Nuclear Technologies for better life” was awarded to “Conversion of NTP’s 99Mo Process from HEU to LEU” submitted by NTP Radioisotopes (SOC) Ltd (South Africa). The prize winner in the nomination “Innovations for the Future” became Dassault Systems with their project “Innovative Information Management System based on 3DEXPERIENCE platform”. The prize in the nomination “Human Capital Development” was awarded to Tecnatom (Spain) for their project “Learning with Soul Tecnatom”, which introduced a new educational process concept employing advantages of digital transformation, expert knowledge, social and collective learning. In the “Best Launch” nomination the first prize went to the project “The Belarussian Nuclear Power Plant Construction”. The winning project in the nomination “Public Communication” was “Atom on Wheels India” carried out by Nuclear Power Corporation of India to raise awareness of the nuclear energy among the population by holding mobile exhibitions in villages and on the outskirts of different states across the whole India.
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