Main Media Center,
May 14-16, 2018
On May 18 the Russia-IAEA Nuclear Management School for Managers in Nuclear Organizations organized by IAEA and ROSATOM finished its work in ANO ROSATOM Technical Academy in Saint-Petersburg. This school was the third in a row and focused on the mid- and senior managers. It was built in as a separate key event in the program of ATOMEXPO.
Akademik Lomonosov, the nuclear floating power unit (FPU), has been moored in Murmansk where it was towed from Saint Petersburg to be loaded with fuel. Once loaded with fuel Lomonosov will be towed to the town of Pevek in Chukotka (Russian Far East) where, upon connection to the grid, it will become the world’s so far only operational floating nuclear power plant and the northernmost nuclear installation in the world.
On May 16 in the Main Media Center of Sochi the anniversary X International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018 organized by ROSATOM finished its work. This year the Forum has set up several records at once. The first record was about the countries which representative came to the event – 68 (65 in 2017, 55 in 2016, and 48 in 2015). With that, two countries – Congo and Georgia – took part in the Forum for the first time.
Mechanical Engineering Division of Rosatom - JSC “Atomenergomash” and a large manufacturer of marine equipment - MOTORTECH CONSULTING (Croatia) signed Memorandum of strategic cooperation on May 15, 2018 within the framework of the 10th International Forum “Atomexpo” in Sochi.
ROSATOM, through its subsidiary, Rusatom Healthcare (RHC), and the Brazilian company CK3 signed a Project Development Agreement (PDA) for the joint implementation and operation of an Irradiation Center in Brazil. The document was signed by the RHC’s CEO Denis Cherednichenko, from Russian side, and by CK3’s director Raphael Guiguer, from Brazilian side.
Rusatom Healthcare, a division of ROSATOM (Russia) and Beta Gamma Malaysia (BGM) signed a Project Development Agreement on construction of network of irradiation centres in Malaysia. Zulkafli Ghazali, Chairman of BGM and Denis Cherednichenko, CEO of Rusatom Healthcare, affixed their signatures to the document during the 10th International ATOMEXPO-2018 forum.
The Fourth School of Student Construction Brigades (SCB) in the nuclear industry took place on May 15 during the X Anniversary International ATOMEXPO-2018 Forum in Sochi. This event was organized by the Rosatom Centre for Major Construction Projects, the Russian National Public Youth Organization “Russian Construction Brigades” (RNPYO RCB) and Rosatom’s Corporate Academy.
ROSATOM and the Republic of Zambia signed a general contract for the construction of a Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology (CNST). The signing took place during the 10th international Atomexpo-2018 forum in Sochi. On behalf of Russia, the document was signed by Director General of State Specialized Design Institute JSC (GSPI) Vyacheslav Galushkov, on behalf of Zambia – by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Zambia Mabvuto Sakala.
On 15 May 2018, within the business program of the Tenth Anniversary International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018, a Memorandum of understanding was signed by First Deputy Director General for Strategy and Marketing at TENEX Andrey Tovstenko and Director for Nuclear Services at IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, S.A.U. Xabier Ruiz Morin.
The round table, organized by Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, was held on the topic "NPP operation" on May 14, 2018. The round table was attended by Jacques Regaldo, the Chairman of the World Association of Nuclear Operations (WANO), Andrey Petrov, the Director General of Rosenergoatom Concern, chief executives of the industry companies and NPPs, leading experts.
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