Main Media Center,
May 14-16, 2018
June 21, 2017, Moscow – On the sidelines of the IX International Forum ATOMEXPO 2017, the Private institution of Atomic Energy Power Corporation “Rusatom International Network” and the Groupe Seche Environment signed a Memorandum of Understanding.
On June 20, TENEX and Synatom have agreed to prolong the existing long-term contract on deliveries of enriched uranium product (EUP) during the 11th International Forum ATOMEXPO.
Bureau Veritas Services and ROSATOM-CICE&T signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of personnel training for nuclear power programmes. The event took place within the framework of IX International Forum “ATOMEXPO 2017” on June 20, 2017.
Rusatom Service JSC and Skoda JS (the Czech Republic) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The companies agreed to cooperate in repairing welded joints of steam generator vessels for VVER-440 units designed in Russia.
On the sidelines of the IX International Forum ATOMEXPO 2017, ROSATOM and the French energy company ENGIE signed the Cooperation programme for 2017-2019
Organized on the first day of the business-program of the Ninth International Forum ATOMEXPO 2017 by the Department of NFC and NPP Life Cycle of the State Corporation of Atomic Energy Rosatom and the Joint Stock Company TENEX round table devoted to the issues of innovation solutions for the nuclear energy life cycle in the context of sustainable development has gathered over 400 participants – representatives of government structures and international organizations, leading companies in the global nuclear industry, NGO’s and mass media.
On 19 June 2017, the key panelists of the Plenary Session of ATOMEXPO-2017 IX International Forum in Moscow exchanged their opinions on the role of nuclear energy in securing carbon-free energy of the future.The key theme of the forum this year is Nuclear Technologies: Safety, Environment, Sustainability.
On June 19, 2017, in Moscow within the framework of IX International Forum ATOMEXPO-2017, ROSATOM and the Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity of Sudan signed the Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy.
Rusatom – International Network Private Institution and the International Investment Bank (IIB) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation on the sidelines of ATOMEXPO 2017 International Forum on 19 June 2017. The signatories are President of RIN Private Institution A.A. Merten and Deputy Chairman of the IIB Board Denis Ivanov.
On June 19, 2017, within the framework of IX International Forum ATOMEXPO 2017, ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Ethiopia signed the Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy.
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