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5 June
Symposium: «Topical Issues of International Nuclear Law: Nuclear Safety»
"Alternative Solutions on the Market of Third Party Liability Insurance of Nuclear Operators; Birth of the Mutual Insurance" (Pdf, 254Kb)
Danny Van Welkenhuyzen, Head of the European Mutual Insurance Societies EMANI, ELINI, NIRA.
"International Legal Regulations on Nuclear and Radiation Safety: Issues and Developments" (Pdf, 415Kb)
Christelle Drillat, law Officer, Office of Legal Affairs, IAEA.
"Legal Basis for Radioactive Waste Handling in EU" (Pdf, 301Kb)
Yakub Handrlica, Assistant Professor of the Department of Law, Charles University of Prague.
Round table: «Nuclear Industry Development Strategy: across the Value Chain»
"Nuclear Energy in France after Fukusima - the Past and the Future" (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
Christophe Behar, Director of the Nuclear Energy Division at the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA).
"AREVA Group Development Strategy in post-Fukushima Environment" (Pdf, 1,1Mb)
Benjamin Fremaux, Senior Executive Vice President, Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, Secretary to the Executive Board, AREVA.
"Strategy of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom till 2030" (Pdf, 1,2Mb)
Igor Karavaev, Chief Strategy and Investment Officer, ROSATOM.
"Reflections on Back of Fuel Cycle Options for the Future" (Pdf, 0,9Mb)
Paul Harris, Executive Vice-President, Rolls-Royce Nuclear.
"Internalization of the Nuclear Industry Components Supply Chain: Achievements and Challenges" (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
Greg Kaser, Project Manager, World Nuclear Association.
"Implications of Fukushima for Industry of Construction of New NPP Worldwide" (Pdf, 500Kb)
Hans Joachim Kopp, Partner of Roland Berger Strategy Consulting, Former Vice-President for Strategy and Development, E.ON.
"Sustainable Development of Uranium Industry Worldwide - Challenge of Time" (Pdf,2,3Mb)
Alexander Boytsov, Executive Vice President for Exploration, Uranium One.
Round table: «International Cooperation in the Area of Nuclear Back End Technologies and the Nuclear Legacy Issues»
"Russian-Italian cooperation in order of the Liquidation of nuclear legacy in Russia" (Pdf, 4,9Mb)
Fausto Santopadre, director of Moscow office, S.O.G.I.N.
"Expirience on Decommission of Nuclear and Radiation Hazardous Facilities on North-West of Russia" (Pdf, 174Kb)
Zlatan Delalich, project manager, SSM.
Round table: «Northern Sea Route: New Opportunities»
"Development of the Northern Sea Route for International Commercial Maritime Traffic" (Pdf, 4,6Mb)
Vyacheslav Ruksha, General Director, FSUE Atomflot.
"Arctic shipping perspectives" (Pdf, 2,4Mb)
Eugeniy Ambrosov, First Depute of Director General, Sovkomflot
"Experience of Transit Navigation in 2011" (Pdf, 802Kb)
Patrick Mossberg, Marinvest. Northern Sea Route.
"Transit Navigation Via the Northern Sea Route" (Pdf, 2,3Mb)
Mads Petersen, Managing Director, Nordic Bulk Carriers.
"Northern Sea Route as an Alternative to Southern Option of Sea Transportation Between Europe and South-East Asia" (Pdf, 2,6Mb)
Loliy Tsoi, Head of Laboratory, Central Marine Fleet Research Institute (TsNIIMF).
"Northern Sea Route: Insurer Viewpoint" (Pdf, 2,3Mb)
Reidun Aykeland Haahjem, Senior Underwriter, Gard AS.
"NSR transit shipping -A risk based approach. Northern Sea Route: New Opportunities" (Pdf, 2,7Mb)
Jan Kvålsvold, Det Norske Veritas, Director