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4 June
Special WANO event: «Nuclear Power Industry after Fukushima - Operator's Perspective»
"Lessons Learned from Fukushima Accident" (Pdf, 185Kb)
Takuya Hattori, President of the Japan Atomic Industry Forum.
"Lessons Learned from Fukushima Daini NPP and the Status of Fukushima Daiichi NPP" (Pdf, 2,7Mb)
Shinichi Kawamura, Plant Manager, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant.
"WANO Activities in the post-Fukushima Period" (Pdf, 919Kb)
Laurent Stricker, Chairman, WANO.
"Implementation of the WANO Programs at the NPP of WANO Moscow Center" (Pdf, 1Mb)
Arvo Vuorenmaa, Governing Board Chairman of WANO-MC, Fortum.
"WANO Corporate Peer Review Program. Significance and Results of Rosenergoatom Concern Peer Review" (Pdf, 191Kb)
Jacque Regaldo, Deputy Director of Generation and Engineering Division, EDF.
"Development of Activities of INPO and WANO Atlanta Center after the Fukushima Accident" (Pdf, 5,5Mb)
David Farr, Director of Atlanta Center, WANO.
"Main Results of Operation of Rosenergoatom NPP in the post-Fukushima Period. WANO Regional Emergency Response Center on the Base of the Rosenergoatom Crisis Center" (Pdf, 3,5Mb)
Alexander Shutikov, Director for Generation and NPP Operation, Rosenergoatom.
"Additional Safety Assessment, Specifics of Operation of the First-generation Nuclear Reactors" (Pdf, 2,8Mb)
Vladimir Povarov, Novovoronezh NPP Director.
"Main Results of Operation of Energoatom NAEC NPP in the post-Fukushima Period" (Pdf, 2,6Mb)
Danko Biley, General Inspector, Energoatom NAEC.
"Main Results of Operation of French NPP in the post-Fukushima Period" (Pdf, 1,6Mb)
Alain Keramsi, Deputy Director of Engineering Department, EDF; Noel
Camarcat, Special Advisor for Nuclear R&D and International
Affairs, EDF Generation.
"35 Years of Safe and Reliable Operation of Loviisa NPP" (Pdf, 927Kb)
Peter Touminen, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Fortum.
"General Information about Tianwan NPP and Corrective Action Taken by Tianwan NPP after the Fukushima Accident" (Pdf, 2Mb)
Zhang Xun, Deputy Director for Operation, Tianwan NPP.
"Main Results of AREVA Operations in the post-Fukushima Period. Additional Safety Assessments" (Pdf, 2,2Mb)
Rolf Janke, Director for Nuclear Strategy and Technical Development, AREVA.
"Work of Operators in the Eyes of Regulator" (Pdf, 619Kb)
Yukka Laaksonen, Vice-President, Rusatom Overseas.
Round table Session on Renewable Energy Sources
"Overview of the Experience of European Generating Companies on the Alternative Energy Markets" (Pdf, 615Kb)
Hans Joachim Kopp, Partner, Roland Berger Strategy Consulting.
"Fortum Strategy on the RES Market" (Pdf, 1,3Mb)
Risto Penttinen, Vice President, Fortum.
Round table: «International Cooperation in Personnel Educaton and Training for Nuclear Industry: Aspects of Professional Development and University Education»
"Russian Integrated HR – Product for the Countries Initiating Development of their Nuclear Power Industry" (Pdf, 1,9Mb)
Larisa Strutskaya, Director of the HR Directorate, Rusatom Overseas.
"Russian Concept of the Operating Personnel Training System for Russian Design NPP Constructed Abroad" (Pdf, 4Mb)
Yuriy Seleznev, Rector of Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training (CICE&T).
"Theoretical Education of Operating Personnel for Foreign NPP" (Pdf, 1,1Mb)
Vladimir Artisyuk, Vice-Rector of Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training (CICE&T).
"Problems of Personal Training Identified during the Realization of WANO Programs" (Pdf, 612Kb)
Sergey Vybornov, Deputy Director of WANO Moscow Center.
"Practical Training of Operating Personnel for NPP" (Pdf, 627Kb)
Alexander Trufanov, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Training Center, Atomtekhenergo.
"Specifics of Training and Selection of Management for the NPP under Construction" (Pdf, 1,3Mb)
Andrey Yuzhakov, Director of VNIIAES Center.
"European Challenges in Nuclear Education and Training for the Industry and Regulatory Needs" (Pdf, 1,6Mb)
Martin Kropik, Associate Professor, Czech Technical University, European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN).
"Human Resource Development for Ninh Thuan NPP, Vietnam" (Pdf, 804Kb)
Takashi Mizuno, General manager, JINED.
"International Program of Human Resource Development for Controlling Nuclear Safety and Physical Security" (Pdf, 5,1Mb)
Masaki Saito, Professor of Engeeniring, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
"Development of Personnel for the Nuclear Power Industry Program of Vietnam" (Pdf, 656Kb)
Le Dinh Tien, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology, Vietnam.
"Global Approaches to Personnel Training for Safe Development of Nuclear Power Industry" (Pdf, 1,7Mb)
Yanko Yanev, Advisor to the Deputy Director General - Director of Nuclear Power Industry Department, IAEA.
Session 2 International Cooperation in the Field of Nuclear Education (Pdf, 328Kb)
"The Requirements of Global Expansion to the System of Nuclear Education" (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
Aleksey Kalinin, Director of International Business Department, ROSATOM.
"Development and Implementation of the Strategy of Enhancement of International Cooperation in the Area of Nuclear Education" (Pdf, 2Mb)
Eduard Kryuchkov, Pro-rector of MEPI.
"Creation of Science and Education Centers in Baltic and Far East Federal Universities: Potential for International Collaboration" (Pdf, 2,1Mb)
"The Establishment of Research-and-Education Nuclear Technology Centers on the Basis on Federal Universities: the Potential for Cooperation" (Pdf,1Mb)
Vladimir Kononenko, First Deputy of Chairman of technological platform,
Institute for Safe Development of Nuclear Power Industry (IBRAE RAS).
"Education Component of BOO: Turkish Case" (Pdf, 1,1Mb)
Khuseyn Chechenov, Director General Advisor of Akkuyu NPP.
"Instruments for Internationalization of Education: Project Experience" (Pdf, 1,4Mb)
Carter Johnson, Country Director, Russian Office of the American Councils for International Education.
"NPP Personnel Training" (Pdf, 579Kb)
Aaron Mishelin, CEO, Enersense International Oy.
"European Nuclear Education Network: International Projects of Development of Common Ground for Cooperation in Nuclear Education, Training and Knowledge Management" (Pdf, 5,3Mb)
Petre Ghitescu, University Politechnica Bucharest, ENEN.
"International Nuclear Education at MPEI: Experience and Perspectives" (Pdf, 6,2Mb)
Sergey V. Shirinskii
Round table: «Topical Issues of Implementation of the Federal Law on Radioactive Waste Management»
"Legal Basis for Radioactive Waste Management in EU" (Pdf, 301Kb)
Yakub Handrlica, Assistant Professor of the Department of Law, Charles University of Prague.
Gerald Ouzounian, Foreign Relations Director, French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (ANDRA) (Pdf, 3,3Mb)
Round table Session on Radiation Technologies
"Nuclear Technologies as a Central Pillar of Global Development" (Pdf, 2,8Mb)
Werner Burkart, Scientific Director, Technological Platform “Radiation
Technologies”, Former Deputy Director of the International Atomic Energy
Agency anf Head of the Department of Nuclear Science and Applications
at the International Atomic Energy Agency (Austria).
"Development of Industrial Applications of Radiation Technologies on the Basis of Budker Institute Electronic Beam Machines" (Pdf, 0,9Mb)
Evgeniy Levichev, Deputy Director for Science, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics.
"Technological Breakthrough in Designing Accelerator Equipment: “Compaction” of Large-scale Science for Applied Purposes" (Pdf, 6,2Mb)
Andrey Seryi, Director, J. Adams Accelerator Physics Institute.
"Quo Vadis Nuclear Medicine - Threats and Opportunities from a Manufacturer's Perspective" (Pdf, 1,1Mb)
Oliver Heid, Senior Vice President Corporate Technology, Siemens AG.
"Current Importance of Nuclear Medicine Issues as Illustrated by the Results of the Forum Dedicated to 100 Years Jubilee of N. N. Blokhin (May 3-6, 2012)" (Pdf, 2,4Mb)
Somasundaram Subramanian, Oncologist Surgeon, Director of Eurasian Oncology Program.